
Case study

Eshop as a tool to promote the development of football while reducing bureaucracy.

What is

  • An Eshop allowing football clubs to buy goods and services.
  • Football clubs can make purchases from their own funds, or select groups of goods can be purchased from a financial contribution in the form of “virtual credit” granted for a fixed period of time.
  • What’s available at the Eshop: athletic clothing and footwear, products for pitch maintenance, electronics used for football, nutritional supplements, fees for football delegates and referees, as well as fuel.
Visit their website

What was the goal of the project?

  • Preparing an Eshop to meet all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and automatically make charges from public funds
  • The automatic reporting of public resources is freely available in real time on
  • Possibility to further expand services and sales for the entire Slovak Football Association and bring at least 10,000 new registrations into the internal CRM system
  • Creating a partner portfolio for the project Grassroots (currently 8 partners) and
Eshop business model (.pdf)

How did the Eshop evolve over time?

  • 06/2017 - approval of the project by the SFZ Executive Committee
  • 07/2017 - first signed supplier
  • 08/2017 - first public version of the Eshop
  • 08/2017 - first purchase made on the Eshop
  • 05/2018 - support for a B2B platform for partners
  • 12/2018 - extension of B2C services (ticketing, merchandising)

What have we achieved so far?

  • The system has fulfilled all legal obligations
  • The Eshop is used by over 70% of all active Slovak football clubs (1,254 out of 1,736)
  • In 2017, revenue amounted to almost EUR 45,000
  • We connected 8 suppliers to the Eshop as a tool to support the development of Slovak football
  • Transparent use of subsidies via the Eshop (EUR 1,047,116.64 used out of EUR 1,047,665.36)

Investments vs. Returns

What did most clubs buy?

Total of 4,160 orders

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